Programme Électricité durableMC

Le programme Électricité durableMC a été élaboré et est mis en œuvre par Électricité Canada et des entreprises membres. Il s’agit d’un programme à participation obligatoire axé sur la durabilité.

Ce programme favorise la prise en considération de la durabilité dans les décisions d’affaires et l’amélioration continue du rendement des membres d’Électricité Canada. Nos membres sont en mesure de fournir le service d’électricité aux clients actuels et futurs de manière durable, sûre, fiable, économique et respectueuse de l’environnement.

SE Program Components

The Sustainable Leader Designation

Recognizes Leaders in the industry through the Sustainable Electricity (SE) Leader Designation. This third party verified Designation is a streamlined robust process that provides a clear and visible demonstration of our member company’s commitment to sustainability.

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The Sustainability Reporting Framework

Reports on the sector’s sustainability advancements as achievements through a simplified and streamlined reporting process and annual scorecard.

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The Sustainability Awards

Recognizing and promoting leading companies through an annual Sustainable Electricity Awards Program.

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Knowledge Hub

Advancing member company’s sustainability programs and knowledge through best practice sharing and acting as a knowledge hub and facilitator with other sectors.

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Foundation Goals

Continuous improvement

To facilitate continuous improvement in the electricity sector's overall environmental, social, and governance performance to meet our collective vision through innovative solutions and management approaches and best practice sharing.

Sustainable leadership

To foster and highlight sustainable leadership by developing and promoting new approaches, thought leadership and collaboration within the sector.

Raising public awareness and support

Consolidating, communicating, and amplifying the electricity sector's good news story and progress on sustainability.

Value of the Program

Electricity Canada’s SE Program helps to elevate your brand by demonstrating that your company is:

Good corporate citizen



Well managed

Operating in a socially responsible manner

Protecting public safety

These attributes are key drivers of customer satisfaction and improve social license, public acceptance, and support for ongoing utility operations.

Ensemble, Électricité Canada et ses membres ont à cœur le développement durable, c’est-à-dire :

La mise en œuvre de stratégies opérationnelles progressistes et d’activités qui répondent aux besoins d’aujourd’hui, tout en valorisant les ressources environnementales, sociales et économiques dont nous aurons besoin à l’avenir.

Des questions?

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter Sustainability Team, .